Ati inteles mai bine decat oricine altcineva pilda d-lui Bouleanu.  Exact
despre peste si flote de pescuit era vorba.
De asemenea, multi ani traiasca copy & paste, semnul distinctiv al
adevaratelor elite intelectuale.

On 8/2/07, Peter Lengyel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    "Diferenta clasica dintre ai da omunui un peste si de al invata sa
> pescuiasca ,iata unde este de fapt cauza saraciei si a inegalitatii intre
> oameni."
> Candva, cand eram copil mic, mi se parea si mie semnificativa abordarea
> "sa il inveti pe om sa prida peste, nu sa ii dai un peste ca azi sa
> manance". Problema este ca realitatea ecologica este un factor care primeaza
> in comparatie cu sloganele sentimentaliste ale omului, fie el chiar
> binevoitor. Ce se intampla in lume, ce se intampla in UE cu flota de
> pescuit?
> La ora actuala in care ne dam seama de trendurile resurselor de care
> depindem, omul trebuie sa fie invatat cum sa prinda mai putin peste :) Suna
> cam ciudat ca este timpul sa invatam cum anume ne putem abtine de la consum,
> la nivel de civilizatie globala, dar asta este situatia, desi nu multi ajung
> sa rosteasca raspicat ca este o uriasa contradictie intre economia
> expansionista si resursele disponibile.
> Este o constientizare a faptului ca am ajuns la limitele capacitatii de
> suport, sau pe alocuri ea este depasita ducand la colapsarea stocurilor. In
> acest context, si politicile UE sunt directionate spre reducerea capacitatii
> flotei de pescuit, chiar daca aceste interventii sunt dureroase momentan
> pentru pescari care doresc sa traiasca acum bine si nu ii intereseaza ce va
> fi in viitor.
> Despre flota de pescuit globala:
> "The combined carrying capacity of large marine fishing vessels reached a
> peak in 1992 and later declined because of the adoption of programmes to
> reduce the capacity of fishing fleets."
> "In many areas, traditional stocks have been depleted and less valuable
> species are being targeted by fishers. About half of all monitored stocks
> are now *fully exploited* and another quarter are *overexploited,
> depleted, or slowly recovering*. The remaining quarter are under- or
> moderately exploited. Available data leads to the conclusion that the global
> maximum potential for marine capture fisheries has been reached and that
> restrictive management measures are needed."
> "About three quarters of monitored marine stocks are now fully exploited,
> overexploited, or even depleted. Therefore, there seems to be no further
> potential for increasing marine catches and the current state of fishery
> resources and their ecosystems allows little room for delay in actions that
> should have been taken in the last three decades."
> Ce este la nivel UE?
>  Commission pushes to strengthen fishing fleet reduction programme
> "The European Commission is proposing further reductions of fishing
> capacity in the EU fleet to bring it more in line with available fish
> resources."
> "achieving the required reduction in fishing effort exclusively through
> cuts in fleet capacity"
> "the period 1991 to 1996, achieved an overall fleet reduction of around
> 10%, which was below the level proposed by the Commission."
> "For MAGP IV, the Commission proposed to cut fishing effort by 30% for
> stocks at risk of depletion and 20% for those over-fished."
>   REPORT       28.3.2007   PE 384.479v02-00   A6-0085/2007
>  on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No
> 2371/2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries
> resources under the Common Fisheries Policy
> (COM(2006)0587 – C6-0402/2006 – 2006/0190(CNS))
>    10 % of the average annual tonnage withdrawn with public aid between 1
> January 2003 and 31 December 2006 for the Member States that were part of
> the Community on 1 January 2003 and 10 % of the annual average tonnage
> withdrawn with public aid between 1 May 2004 and 31 December 2006 for the
> Member States that acceded to the Community on 1 May 2004 and,
>  - 10 % of the tonnage withdrawn from the fleet with public aid as from 1
> January 2007
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