Mon Sep 06 2010 5:11:39 am EDT EDT from samjam @ Uncensored Subject: Re: Fw: [PATCH] Fake the old version number for the paths inside the tar files


Sun Sep 05 2010 2:24:33 pm EDT EDT from dothebart @ Uncensored Subject: Re: Fw: [PATCH] Fake the old version number for the paths inside the tar files


did you run that script in advance?

since its not clever to rename subdirectories (citadel/ to citadel-7.83) in a git workingcopy (and symlink citadel/ to it), I instead made it create the symlink to the citadel directory.

If you already have it the other way arround, it won't work for you then ;-)

Not at all.

Originally I did what you did, but it's not enough - ./buildpackage debian src doesn't work and ./buildpackage src produces different paths to originally (because tar follows the symlink before tar-ing).

With just your patch, clean "/.buildpackage debain" were failing and symlinks-to-self of citadel was created in the citadel folder and of libcitadel in the libcitadel folder which made builds fail.


As ti turns out, that patch isn't very good. I've been having problems with stgit missing chunks or whole changesets.

I'm just rebasing master (and confirmed the symlink loop) and will re-do the patch and post shortly.


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