First, a delayed Happy New Year.

Finally! Long live XMPP! Thanks very much mr IG.
I just had 2 horrible weeks due to the Christmas/New Year days and wasn't able to test anything until now.

I just tested with latest Pidgin again, and finally it did work.
Just a couple of small issues I preferred to ask in the support room since they're more like questions.

On the other hand, I also tried other XMPP clients on Windows 10, in particular Miranda-ng, Gajim and Jitsi.
I was particularly interested in Miranda-ng because of its small size and portable version (and low resource consuming according to documentation).
Unfortunately I didn't succeed in any of these clients.

In Miranda-ng I had to install 2 plugins "Console" and "OpenSSL" (Main Menu -> Available Components List), then restart the client, configure my account and disable "Verify certificates" in Menu -> Options -> Network; this because seemingly there's no way to add custom certs like in Pidgin...
And client just gets stuck infinitely in attempting to connect; I attached console's log here.
Judging by last 3 lines seemingly Citadel server never answers to Miranda-ng client for some reason.

Gajim and Jitsi were not even able to find the server, with no further way to debug...
Gajim's debug console only said " gajim.c.resolver: Could not resolve host: No DNS record of the requested type for "_xmppconnect." "
Guess these clients only accept "official" recognized XMPP networks?

Asking in their mailing lists didn't help at all this time. People were basically low in interest, and some few even heavily mocking at Citadel project, claiming disliking and criticizing project's overall coding, and dunno what else.

Mm... think it's just that Citadel XMPP server currently only works with Pidgin?
Wouldn't be that bad neither even if it was the case.

[13:53:55 0D4C] [JABBER_1] PS_SETSTATUS(40071,40071) => 40072
[13:53:55 0EB4] [JABBER_1] Thread started: type=0
[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] Connection request to (Flags 0)....
[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] (0000000006F50250) Connecting to server

[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] (0000000006F50250) Connecting to ip 
[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] (1292) Connected to
[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] Thread type=0 server='' port='5222'
[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] Stream is initializing after connect

[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] (0000000006F50250:1292) Data sent
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><stream:stream xmlns="jabber:client" 
 xmlns:stream=""; xml:lang="en" version="1.0">

[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] Entering main recv loop

[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] (0000000006F50250:1292) Data received
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] recvResult = 38
[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] bytesParsed = 0
[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] Unknown state: bytesParsed=0, datalen=38, 

[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] (0000000006F50250:1292) Data received
<stream:stream from="" id="0000000d" version="1.0" 
xmlns:stream="http://eth" xmlns="jabber:client"><stream:features><starttls 
ind xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind"/><session 

[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] recvResult = 478
[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] bytesParsed = 174
[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] bytesParsed = 342
[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] Requesting TLS

[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] (0000000006F50250:1292) Data sent
<starttls xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"/>

[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] (0000000006F50250:1292) Data received
<proceed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>

[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] recvResult = 50
[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] bytesParsed = 50
[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] Starting TLS...
[13:53:57 0EB4] [JABBER_1] (1292 Starting SSL negotiation
[13:54:00 0EB4] [JABBER_1] (1292 SSL negotiation successful
[13:54:00 0EB4] [JABBER_1] Stream will be initialized after successful StartTLS
[13:54:00 0EB4] [JABBER_1] Stream is initializing after successful StartTLS

[13:54:00 0EB4] [JABBER_1] (0000000006F50250:1292) Data sent
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><stream:stream xmlns="jabber:client" 
 xmlns:stream=""; xml:lang="en" version="1.0">

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