Sun Nov 24 2019 23:10:08 EST from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored

Is anyone interested in helping to clean up our documentation for the new-and-improved Citadel website?

We have 145 documents from the FAQ / Knowledge Base / Documentation portion of the old site. I have bulk-converted them as best as I could from wiki markup to "real" HTML, which you can see here:

[ ]

I could really use some help from someone who would be willing to:
* Read each document and point out the ones that are obsolete and need to be deleted
* ...or updated
* Clean up any remaining wiki markup and make it look like (very simple) HTML

Any takers? I would really like to bring the new site online.

>*Raises hand*

Though just one question, is a strong knowledge of Citadel required for the task?
I must admit I have not played/experimented with Citadel for the last months...

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