¿How can I test from a terminal and stop the AppImage?
After the following error I report, I can't stop the App using Control-C. Maybe I should just kill the processes? So far I have only restarted the VM during these errors.

>       ps -eaf|grep cit
> root 435 1 0 10:27 pts/3 00:00:00 webcit -x9 -h/tmp/.mount_CitadeOYce2V/usr/local/webcit -p80 uds /usr/local/citadel > root 436 1 0 10:27 pts/3 00:00:00 webcit -x9 -h/tmp/.mount_CitadeOYce2V/usr/local/webcit -s -p443 uds /usr/local/citadel

*Errors detected*

I tried to login from firefox/chrome. But I can't get it.

First with http. When I type my username and password, I press [enter] and it does nothing, it puts a message, similar to "you need to be logged in" and only shows the message "Please wait".

If I then use Chrome, when I enter the IP it shows:
> This program was unable to connect or stay connected to the Citadel server. Please report this problem to your system administrator.

This is the same if I refresh the page as with "please wait".

When I try https, it says
> This site can't provide a secure connection192.168.16.33 uses > an unsupported protocol.
>       Unsupported protocol
> The client and server don't support a common SSL protocol version or cipher suite.

*Some logs from webcit*

>       webcit[436]: Generating a certificate signing request.
>       webcit[436]: Unable to read private key.
>       webcit[436]: Generating a self-signed certificate.
> webcit[436]: crypto: cannot install certificate: No such file or directory
>       ...
>       webcit[435]: Re-created session **********
>       webcit[435]: POST /ajax_login_username_password HTTP/1.1
>       citserver[434]: [(not logged in)(0)] USER ***
>       citserver[434]: user_ops: cmd_user(***)
>       citserver[434]: user_ops: CtdlLoginExistingUser(***)
>       citserver[434]: [***(11)] <password command hidden from log>
>       citserver[434]: user_ops: <***> logged in
>       *** buffer overflow detected ***: citserver terminated
>       pid=434 exited, status=6
>       ctdlvisor: citserver exited normally - ending AppImage session
> webcit[435]: StrBuf_ServGetln(): Server connection broken: Resource temporarily unavailable
webcit[435]: HTTP: 200 [0.004834] POST /ajax_login_username_password
>       webcit[435]: POST /ajax_login_username_password HTTP/1.1
>       ...
>       webcit[436]: SSL_accept failed: no shared cipher
>       webcit[435]: GET / HTTP/1.1
> webcit[435]: Can't connect [/usr/local/citadel/citadel.socket]: > Connection refused
>       webcit[435]: HTTP: 200 [0.000432] GET //landing?go=?failvisibly=1
>       webcit[436]: SSL_accept failed: no shared cipher

I hope the email looks good, for some reason using Thunderbird I can't compose emails with html, only in text and I don't know the syntax for formatting.

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