
Maybe I need to install some package or library beforehand.

I'm tempted to reinstall from scratch the VM, just to be sure it's not a problem on my side.

This new version of Debian has a lot of changes that even I haven't got to know yet; it is very different from Debian 6 which was when I started with Citadel.

Note: I haven't installed clamav, spamassassin yet.

On 2/27/21 1:31 PM, IGnatius T Foobar wrote:

I'm less concerned with the hostname stuff because that's largely just configuration and has less to do with the AppImage.

The service crashing on outbound email is more concerning.  Are there core files left behind?  We need to figure out where the crash is happening.  I may have to just try to reproduce your environment and see what it does.

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