I remembered database_cleanup and wanted to try it after copying my backup to the corresponding directory.
(This is before testing with the "run" parameter)

I did what warning #3 says to do first.

   WARNING #3:
      Please try "cd /usr/local/citadel/data;
   /tmp/.mount_citadehub75P/usr/bin/db_recover -c" first. Run citserver
   afterwards to
      revalidate whether its fixed or not, No news might be good news.
   Use this
      tool only if that one fails to fix your problem.

And this is what comes out:

   # cd /usr/local/citadel/data;
   /tmp/.mount_citadehub75P/usr/bin/db_recover -c
   /tmp/.mount_citadehub75P/usr/bin/db_recover: error while loading
   shared libraries: libdb-6.2.so: cannot open shared object file: No
   such file or directory
   # /tmp/.mount_citadehub75P/usr/bin/db_recover -c
   /tmp/.mount_citadehub75P/usr/bin/db_recover: error while loading
   shared libraries: libdb-6.2.so: cannot open shared object file: No
   such file or directory

Then I immediately tried "run".

 * The first thing I tried was to edit the domain to use the test
   domain: It worked.
 * I immediately checked my current account, and I don't see anywhere
   the aliases I have assigned.
 * I try to use the IGAB command, but: it works?
     o # /tmp/.mount_citadeTB3iEQ/usr/local/citadel/sendcommand --help
       /tmp/.mount_citadeTB3iEQ/usr/local/citadel/sendcommand: invalid
       option -- '-'
       sendcommand: usage: sendcommand [-h server_dir] [-w
       # /tmp/.mount_citadeTB3iEQ/usr/local/citadel/sendcommand IGAB
       sendcommand: started (pid=14584) connecting to Citadel server
       with data directory /tmp/citadel-build-28954
       sendcommand: /tmp/citadel-build-28954: No such file or directory
       # /tmp/.mount_citadeTB3iEQ/usr/local/citadel/sendcommand
       sendcommand: started (pid=14585) connecting to Citadel server
       with data directory /tmp/citadel-build-28954
       sendcommand: /tmp/citadel-build-28954: No such file or directory

       *This seems to be the correct way, but:*
       # /tmp/.mount_citadeTB3iEQ/usr/local/citadel/sendcommand -h
       /usr/local/citadel IGAB
       sendcommand: started (pid=14599) connecting to Citadel server
       with data directory /usr/local/citadel
       200 test.yemadorada.com.mx Citadel server ADMIN CONNECTION ready.
       530 Unrecognized or unsupported command.
       sendcommand: processing ended.

 * In the alias section, I don't think I can place all my aliases, it
   seems to be limited to 512 characters, currently I have 779 and
   increasing, of course, I need to debug some aliases.
 * As you know, my current server is "@em" and this test server is "@test".
   When trying to send mail to @em, I get the message that sys1@em
   (both are on both servers) is invalid and the mail is not sent.
   Solved removing all my alias and adding new ones, restarting the
   @test server and using new alias on @em, I got @test to send it
   without conflict.
   Now that I managed to edit all the aliases in @test of my sys1
   account (administrator) the following happens:
   It no longer lets me log in with sys1 account, I edit the account
   change the password and still doesn't work, I try in Chrome and Firefox.
   No, I can't login with that account from another browser either.
   Using an incorrect password, the appropriate message is displayed.
   And yes, I can login with other accounts. This last issue is a real
 * I wonder what else I could do to reset my password and gain access.

Thank you for reading.

On 5/12/21 5:34 PM, IGnatius T Foobar wrote:
  >Yes! it's working: Sending and receiving external mail.
  >Can I delete the /usr/local/citadel folder to copy my backup and test

  >the migration?
Awesome! Yes, go ahead and delete anything you want. I am finished testing
on your system.  Thank you for making it available.

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