It works!

Compacted from 91G to 71G

From 4PM to 6:26pm

   May 19 15:00:08 em2 citserver[1694]: db: compacting database 8
   May 19 18:26:13 em2 citserver[1694]: housekeeping: WARNING:
   housekeeping loop has not run for 206 minutes.  Is something stuck?
   May 19 18:26:14 em2 citserver[1694]: housekeeping: WARNING:
   housekeeping loop has not run for 206 minutes.  Is something stuck?
   May 19 18:26:14 em2 citserver[1694]: housekeeping: WARNING:
   housekeeping loop has not run for 206 minutes.  Is something stuck?
   May 19 18:26:14 em2 citserver[1694]: db: compacting database 9
   May 19 18:26:14 em2 citserver[1694]: db: compacting database 10
   May 19 18:26:14 em2 citserver[1694]: db: compacting database 11
   May 19 18:26:14 em2 citserver[1694]: db: compacting database 12
   May 19 18:26:14 em2 citserver[1694]: db: compacting database 13
   *May 19 18:26:14 em2 citserver[1694]: db: cdb_compact() finished**
   **May 19 18:26:14 em2 citserver[1694]: Auto-purger: finished.*
   May 19 18:26:14 em2 citserver[1694]: original_brk=11fe000,
   current_brk=29f5000, addl=25128960
   May 19 18:26:15 em2 citserver[1694]: pop3client: scan started
   May 19 18:26:15 em2 citserver[1694]: pop3client: processing started
   May 19 18:26:15 em2 citserver[1694]: pop3client: ended
   May 19 18:26:15 em2 citserver[1694]: listdeliver: sweep started
   May 19 18:26:15 em2 citserver[1694]: listdeliver: ended
   May 19 18:26:15 em2 citserver[1694]: smtpclient: start queue run
   May 19 18:26:15 em2 citserver[1694]: smtpclient: end queue run
   May 19 18:26:15 em2 citserver[1694]: rssclient: started
   May 19 18:26:15 em2 citserver[1694]: rssclient: ended
   May 19 18:26:15 em2 citserver[1694]: db: -- checkpoint --

On 5/19/21 2:56 PM, s3cr3to wrote:
OK, I'll try with this values.

The *first 3* are from my server in production.
And I will try with the *double* in "set_cachesize" of what is suggested in the document.

    # cat /usr/local/citadel/data/DB_CONFIG

    *set_lk_max_locks 4000**
    **set_lk_max_lockers 4000**
    **set_lk_max_objects 4000*
    # Set the database in memory cache size.
    #set_cachesize   0   52428800   0
    set_cachesize   0 *104857600* 0

On 5/19/21 12:05 PM, IGnatius T Foobar wrote:
  >    *May 17 14:21:06 em2 citserver[25444]: db: BDB3017 unable to
  >    allocate space from the buffer cache*
  >    *May 17 14:21:06 em2 citserver[25444]: db: compact: Cannot allocate
> memory* You didn't recover any disk space because it crashed. This means we have
to put some limits into the auto-purger to make it take "smaller bites" and
maybe just run a few times.
However, if it's running out of buffer cache, you can put a file called DB_CONFIG
into your data directory to tune Berkeley DB, and one of the options is indeed
buffer cache sizes.  Read
to learn more.
Once again, however, this does not appear to be a problem specific to the
AppImage distribution.  I think I am going to release it with beta status
so we can have more testers.

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