I still follow the discussions here.

Never on IRC, sorry.
No free PC access on the job, just one of the reasons ..


27.10.2010 15:52, Ged Murphy:

Aagghhhhh!!! Why is everything always done over IRC????

The neglection of the reactos mailing lists is one of this _/big/_ things this project does wrong.

-It forces the community into a sort of hidden niche group and alienates people who don't use IRC

-It gives the impression that reactos activity is low. There are thousands of people who follow this project aren't on IRC and have no idea of what is going on.

-It arguably deters new people from joining because they can't really get to grips with the project without becoming a slave to IRC

-It means important discussions are missed, even by the core team, if they aren't watching the IRC chat 24/7 or miss a PM

I could go on and on with reasons of why you neglect the mailing lists is so harmful, but I fear no one will listen to my cries.

Maybe I should vent my frustration in IRC for the niche community, and we can all have an internal discussion about it???


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