"I regularly have email conversations with people interested in joining as the [dev dash interest at reactos.org] mail address still forwards to me. It's really not that hard."

yeah and why do you hide them in your secret bubble??

no seriously. you can have private conversations via email.. but when multiple people join in it gets messy very quickly. do you see how ridiculously this message looks after few replies? html emails, citing over and above the original text, lenghty signatures. it's pain to read this. as for being hidden the irc channel is clearly mentioned on the web page so it's not like we are going undercover. as I said before - if you can find the mailing list, you can find the irc.


----- Original Message ----- From: Ged Murphy
To: 'ReactOS Development List'
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] Networking

I wasn't referring to this particular request, I'm just making a general point.

Reactos likes to hide itself away from the world in its little IRC bubble.
This is great if you're a private group but not when you're a public entity trying to attract outside interest.

Even the website is full of incorrect info.

How on earth reactos is meant to attract people is beyond me.


p.s. I regularly have email conversations with people interested in joining as the [dev dash interest at reactos.org] mail address still forwards to me. It's really not that hard.

From: ros-dev-boun...@reactos.org [mailto:ros-dev-boun...@reactos.org] On Behalf Of Olaf Siejka
Sent: 27 October 2010 15:22
To: ReactOS Development List
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] Networking

Look, before you guys start venting off, please at least try to understand what are you really getting mad about. As much as you seem to hate communicating via IRC, personally i see no other way of introducing someone to ROS fundamentals, including (but not limited to):

- necessary tools
- checkout layount
- compilation commands
- vm setup
- debug setup
and many many more. I need at least 30-60 minutes to pass this information via irc, as well as get immediate feedback on any problems. But no! This undermines the purpose of THIS maillist!!!!

Dou you REALLY want me to do it via ros-dev maillist??!!!

2010/10/27 cheer_xiao <xiaqq...@gmail.com>
On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 9:52 PM, Ged Murphy <gedmur...@gmail.com> wrote:
Aagghhhhh!!! Why is everything always done over IRC????

The neglection of the reactos mailing lists is one of this _big_ things this
project does wrong.

-          It forces the community into a sort of hidden niche group and
alienates people who don't use IRC

-          It gives the impression that reactos activity is low. There are
thousands of people who follow this project aren't on IRC and have no idea
of what is going on.

-          It arguably deters new people from joining because they can't
really get to grips with the project without becoming a slave to IRC

- It means important discussions are missed, even by the core team,
if they aren't watching the IRC chat 24/7 or miss a PM

I could go on and on with reasons of why you neglect the mailing lists is so
harmful, but I fear no one will listen to my cries.

Maybe I should vent my frustration in IRC for the niche community, and we
can all have an internal discussion about it???
As a undergraduate of CS I subscribed to this mailing list a year or
two ago, hoping to keep informed about what's going on within the
project, and perhaps that someday I could find something that really
interests me and help it out. But according to Ged it is quite
frustrating that most people prefer IRC, for you know, we have 24 time
zones on earth and I'm on the opposite side from most people on this
project. The IRC is also potentially making the project

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