Uh, that's strange...
Not only is that old news, I wonder whether you've read TFA. It has an update at the bottom: *"One thing that I forgot to mention, but which is critical to the success of Linux, is that there really is no such thing as monolithic "Linux." Linux is highly modular and can be trimmed down/beefed up to fit a wide variety of applications...on the developers' terms, not Red Hat's, Novell's, Canonical's, etc. *

*So, unlike Windows, which can only be what Microsoft dictates, Linux can truly be all things to all people, as "fat" or as "skinny" as the developer wants it to be. Ubuntu is obese compared to sub-100 KB uClinux distributions, for example. Both serve different, and useful, purposes."*

That being said, I love ReactOS and I sure hope that it will actually be viable in the near future. From there on I'm expecting the same kind of exponential growth (initially) as Linux has seen. In technical terms that is.

Op 17-1-2012 12:02, Adam schreef:
Given the way Linux is going at the moment (see
http://news.cnet.com/8301-13505_3-10358024-16.html  for example) I think
I do not think those expectations will be too high in the near
future. ;)

On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 16:10:54 +0100
Javier Agustìn Fernàndez Arroyo<elh...@gmail.com>  wrote:

"our kernel to be better than Linux"

ugh... high expectations, indeed! :) that would be the ultimante push
for ReactOS!

On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 3:57 PM, Aleksey Bragin<alek...@reactos.org>

There is something interesting for me in all these (both webOS and
Kernel is just a kernel, I'm more interested in the higher level
framework, and that's what could be theoretically used atop of
ReactOS. However all of these are just speculations, first of all
we need our kernel to be better than Linux in that case.


On 11.01.2012 17:49, Igor Paliychuk wrote:

WebOS is Linux-based OS and i don't think it can be more usefull in
ReactOS development than any other Linux distro.
It's very good that we got new open source OS but this should not
turn into promoting another OS in ReactOS dev mailing list.

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