On 02/25/2012 05:27 PM, Timo Kreuzer wrote:
> There is a difference between a project that is in use (like Firefox) and a proejct that has no use except showing how far it is.

It is true that one of the major arguments for "release early, release often" is to improve the contact between the users and the developers. It improves user feedback and with that the chances that you are working on what users actually want. It's arguable whether ReactOS could benefit from that.

There are, however, other benefits. For example, making QA easier is an oft cited benefit. Similar to what Andrew Faulds noted.

A project like reactos can only show "look, this is what we have so far,
it still doesn't work".
A too short release cycle can result in too few actual changes, and
people don't really see many improvements.
Also release can become boring (yet another release without major

Too long without hearing anything is also boring. If you want to keep ReactOS interesting, you need to launch great features on a regular basis. Waiting with a new release, until an awesome feature arrives, is not more interesting than releasing all the time without exciting features.

Another final disadvantage is that heavy changes are really hard to get
in in a tight schedule.
After a release devs might be tempted to rush their changes in as soon
as possible, possibly causing multiple major changes being comitted at

Fast release projects usually have several branches simultaneously. Firefox, for example, develops features in branches. If it doesn't look like it will be ready for the planned version the feature would land in, the targeted Firefox released is simply moved. When it's ready, the feature is merged into master. When it is time for a release, master moves to Aurora channel, the next release it moves to Beta, until finally it moves into 'the real firefox' three releases later.

Therefore I would prefer releases in a multiple month cycle. Every month
or every 2 doesn't seem to be reasonable for our project at the moment.

Matching ReactOS's release schedule to Firefox' doesn't make sense. It's a completely different product, with different people and different needs. The general principle of release early, release often still stands, but what is "fast" and "often" can get a different meaning compared to Firefox.

What do you think about developing multiple channels simultaneously? After 2 months, release alpha, after 2 months, release beta, after another 2 months, released. That way, new features appear 'on the radar' every 2 months, but they don't need to be completely polished for 6 months. Users would expect Beta to be generally usable, even if there are some bugs or regressions, and you'd do your best to keep Alpha usable, but don't guarantee anything.


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