On 01-04-2015 08:12, stack exchange wrote:
If this should be possible though, I would look into it, why it fails and try to fix it. Not sure if XP or others allow installations on extended partitions, I have to check this (been a long time since I last installed an XP
Window$ generally needs to be launched by means of loading the partition boot sector at 0x0000:0x7C00, the old fashioned and DOSy way. As far as a know, there is no hard limitation preventing one from doing so with a logical (i.e. inside an extended) partition, but for some reason, most (if not all) windows versions don't allow that. When you select a logical partition in windows xp setup, what in reallity happens is that NTLDR, the boot sector, and stuff are put in a primiry partition (that must exist and be the active partition), while all the rest of the OS is put in the partition you select.

IMHO, ReactOS should not try to clone this "feature"... :-)


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