We have RO mirrors for
git https://git.reactos.org/
and github https://github.com/reactos/reactos
Also I vote for JIRA upgrade to 7.1 version (from 6.0) which implemets some of git\github features even been used over SVN
25.02.2016, 00:01, "Mike Swanson" <mikeonthecompu...@gmail.com>:

Hello there,

A couple of you have already seen me make this request in IRC, but I
will make a more formal one here.

I've noticed that ReactOS still uses the Subversion VCS, and while this
might have been a good choice when it was initially set up, in 2016, it
is a rather backwards and self-defeating method to develop software.
For users without write access to the repository, developing against it
means that SVN serves barely better than copying a whole directory just
to do a diff against it. Submitting patches means that they'll not be
split up into logical steps (commits), and increases the difficulty of
determining what a patch contains, or even making a sane commit message
for it.

In the modern DVCS world, this simply doesn't need to hold true. Each
clone of the repository is exactly as the name implies: it's a clone.
Users that want to hack away on the source are freer to do so, create
their own private branches, commit to all their heart's content, and
submit a pull request back to the project (don't think of GitHub as the
only example of pull requests: they come in many forms and can even
include "sending patches to a mailing list", which would still retain
better properties than the Subversion model).

I do urge to give consideration to moving development infrastructure to
Git[*]. It would greatly ease both developer burden, and especially
contributors' burden. It is, simply, what the modern world uses. :-)

Secondary tale: I'm aware of git.reactos.org and GitHub both having a
git-svn clone of the repository. These are "okay" for the most basic
glances of the repo, but be warned that git-svn is unmaintained,
extremely buggy, and should never be used for a serious migration. For
a migration, we'll use reposurgeon. Each repository is unique and the
problems cannot be fully automated away, sorry. Human intervention is
required to do these properly.


Now that I've talked about why, I'll note some observations about the
Subversion repository in its present state:

 * Multiple logical projects exist in the namespace. At the very least,
each of the subdirectories under /trunk should be translated to
independent Git repositories. If there are even more historical ones
(I've only looked at HEAD), we should get a list of them.

 * Old versions of RosBE are under /tags. Is RosBE maintained

 * A lot of old and new branches. If any of these are already merged
into trunk, it may be best to just discard their preservation. Per-
developer branches might work out best if each developer took
'ownership' of them with independent repository clones. An
infrastructure and organization like https://git.kernel.org/ may be
worth looking into.

 * Tagging conventions at least appear sane and logical, but they
should be named with more conventional names for Git, usually a bare
number or prefixed with v. For example, "0.3.17", "0.4.0", or
"v0.3.17", "v0.4.0" -- this is a pure policy decision, but with one-
project-per-repository, it keeps things looking clean.

 * It is very large. Over a gigabyte as a live repository, 14GB as a
full stream dump. It will require a lot of memory to process and I'm
not sure my own system will handle that. It will also take a long time
to process and develop a migration -- the upper bound can be on the
order of months of work. Development in Subversion should not be halted
until the day the migration is being completed.

[*] Okay, it doesn't have to be Git. Hypothetically, any DVCS will do,
but only Mercurial has enough traction to be a viable alternative.

Thanks for listening,


Ros-dev mailing list

Best regards,
Alexander Rechitskiy
Ros-dev mailing list

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