On Tuesday 13 June 2006 3:48 pm, Chris Cannam wrote:

> Except, I suppose, that they don't have a duration (or could be said to
> have a potentially very long duration).  We deal with that OK-ish in
> the percussion matrix I guess.

Yeah, it does do an OK job at that.  I still think the actual events created 
by those diamonds are too long, but nobody else has brought that up, so maybe 
it's just me.  It's certainly useful, and any remaining problems are probably 
too niggling to bother thinking about.

I guess the problem with tempo comes not with something like your ramps, which 
would move as one tempo event, but rather with an imported piece that has a 
long, steady curve of gradual tempo changes.  That would probably render into 
an indeciperhable blob of little diamonds.

You know, actually, now that I think about it, I think I've done long, gradual 
tempo curves in Cakewalk with something that's most similar to our controller 
and velocity rulers.  That's not exactly a solution in of itself, because we 
have just as many problems moving a string of modulation events and keeping 
them in sync with the notes they share proximity in time with.

Hrm.  I haven't used those in a long time, but I don't think we ever did 
anything about that problem, did we?  Velocities move, because they're 
actually associated with notes, but if you want to move mod wheel events, you 
have to do it in the ruler, independently, and the facilities for moving 
things around on the ruler are pretty crude, or non-existent.  Can't 
remember.  No time to look at the moment.  Maybe it's all better than I'm 

> > I'll get all of this work I'm undertaking to a point where it suits
> > me, and then if it doesn't suit you, you can fix it yourself.  I
> > don't want this to turn into another argument over pixel opacity.
> Sorry, I didn't mean to be picky.  If it works for you, it's good.

Sorry I got defensive.  You can be picky later.  I'm having enough of a 
struggle just coming up with anything at all.  I'm *sure* I will do things 
you won't like, and even that if you explained the right way I should have 
done them, I wouldn't even understand what you meant.  I'm so out of my depth 
it's astonishing I managed to get anything accomplished at all.  I speak C++ 
like someone who just got off the plane with a Berlitz phrasebook.  It takes 
quite a lot of desperation to get me to dive into this tangle of brambles, 
and the shortest, simplest path to get me back out of them will do.

> > I would have thought so, but I don't see it if there is.  I think I
> > will skip the branch and just do this in trunk.
> Sure, fine.

Mostly because I'm lazy, and I've modified files all over the place.

> Very hot weather here, and there's an alarming sort of
> hot-metal-something's-burning smell which may or may not be coming from
> my computer.  A bit alarming that.

How hot is "very hot weather" in London?  I presume you don't have air 

It's a bit cool here.  Summer hasn't really happened yet.  We've been stuck in 
this dreary, cool weather pattern that you would probably find quite inviting 
if any of those stories about London are true.

Oh well.  I'm not complaining.  At least I don't have to water anything, and 
all my plants look happy.

> I should probably just switch off 
> and get back to the Brazil-Croatia match.

We're off to a fantastic start so far, and I think USA is going to take the 
whole thing!


D. Michael 'Silvan' McIntyre  ----   Silvan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek;  registered Linux user #243621

Author of Rosegarden Companion http://rosegarden.sourceforge.net/tutorial/

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