2011/7/7 Marcelo Armengot <marcelo.armen...@uv.es>:
>> I would like to insert events in the beginning of each track
>> This option let me select into a small set of 127 voices.
>> The keyboard has a lot of more kind os voices inside several banks of
>> instruments.

Now, this is strange: Rosegarden doesn't directly support
ProgramChanges **by Number**  from the ParameterPanel.
Either this never was supported, or it disappeared anytime - I can't remember.

It may be possible, by creating custom InstrumentDefinitionFile
(*.rgd)  -  sometimes called "Bank".
(Menu => Studio => Manage Midi Devices  => Manage Banks  =>  Import ... etc. )

You could try to load and play around with a more generic definition
file ( GS.rgd, GM2.rgd, XG.rgd ),
if your keyboard supports one of the modes.

Or possibly by selecting an empty segment, at the beginning of a track,
then press E (Event-List-Editor)
(Menu => Edit => Insert Event => in Listbox select ProgramChange )

Hm. .. I cannot find a BankChange message there though !?

I'm not sure, if Rosegarden supports multiple ProgramChanges or
BankSelect per track.
(If not try MusE or qtractor)


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