The attempt at a Mac port was done before the codebase had been moved to
qt. It was installed through fink. I exchanged email with the person who
had tried it and he had run into significant  problems because of KDE
dependencies and he gave up.
Nice to hear about the commercial version of Ardour that runs on Windows.
That gives lots of hope for doing the same with Rosegarden; especially
since Richard is focusing on the MIDI components first.


On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Richard Bown <> wrote:

> Yes, but for the windows port so far audio isn't in scope.  And if it was
> I probably wouldn't do it with JACK I have to say.  Purely because I've got
> bored of fancy APIs for stuff and different models you're forced to adopt
> to use them,  ALSA and JACK did it for me.
> Midi with Rtmidi and ? for audio.  Maybe portaudio.  Cross that bridge as
> and when.  And if.
> Agree that website and docs and tutorials require a refresh. IMHO would be
> nice to have a clean, modern, fresh approach to website and shift the black
> /italics.  But yes, we've been here before..
> On 8 May 2012, at 17:31, David Tisdell <> wrote:
> I agree on the "More bang for the buck" on a Windows port but JACK already
> runs on OS X as do some JACK aware apps. Percentage  of the user base wise,
> the Mac has historically more people creating content (Don't know if that
> is true today) and it is fully POSIX compliant whereas Windows is not. It
> may be easier to get a full port over to the Mac. Not being a coder, I
> can't say for sure but the Ardour people ran into a significant road block
> on Windows because it wasn't fully POSIX compliant.
> On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Brett McCoy <> wrote:
>> On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 10:02 AM, David Tisdell <>
>> wrote:
>> > Perhaps as a starting point we could "shake the tree" for developers on
>> > Linux audio user lists, wikis, etc. since Linux is the platform of
>> origin.
>> > The core work should begin here and ports created as new features are
>> worked
>> > out. As a member of the Rosegarden community, I would be happy to do
>> that
>> > but I would like some guidance from people like Michael who are working
>> on
>> > the project as to what should be said and who and how to contact to get
>> more
>> > involved.
>> I don't have the time to help with C++ development (and I definitely
>> can't help with Windows porting), but I can certainly help with
>> maintaining the website or Wiki pages and documentation. For instance,
>> we need to better showcase some of the music being composed on
>> Rosegarden (allow me to toot my horn here, but I recently completed a
>> 2 year study of Orchestration via Berklee and used Rosegarden for
>> every single one of my projects). Maybe some video tutorials would
>> help also (I'd definitely be up for making some of those). Pushing
>> stuff out to Windows and OS X would help exposure also. Graphics apps
>> like GIMP, MyPaint and Krita have gotten a lot of adoption from those
>> worlds as alternatives to expensive commercial apps, and there is
>> definitely room for something like Rosegarden there, too, especially
>> since it offers notation, whereas apps like Reaper and Reason don't,
>> and have MIDI & Audio capabilties way beyond what Finale or Sibelius
>> provide.
>> --
>> Brett W. McCoy --
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "In the rhythm of music a secret is hidden; If I were to divulge it,
>> it would overturn the world."
>>     -- Jelaleddin Rumi
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