On 06/15/2016 06:51 PM, Abrolag wrote:
> On the next startup, if I start Yoshimi first, Rosegarden connects and resets
> most of the controls to (now) wrong values. Changing bank root was a 
> particular
> problem (now pretty much resolved) because it then meant Yoshimi was pointing 
> to
> completely the wrong patches.

   Rosegarden provides support for (and works best with) device files. 
These contain lists of banks and programs and allow Rosegarden to 
control synths.  Without a proper device file for Yoshimi, Rosegarden 
will make a mess of things, sending whatever bank select and program 
changes are in whatever device file you are using.  This is what is 
causing trouble.

   You need a Yoshimi.rgd device file.  I've started working on one 
based on the banks/programs that were installed for me with Yoshimi.  So 
far, I have the Arpeggios, Bass, Brass, and Drums banks entered.  With 
this, RG and Yoshimi get along just fine for me.

   I'll send it to you for testing once I've got it completed.  There 
are a lot of programs.  This will take some time.  I have to enter them 
all manually.  It's not fun.


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