On Thu, 16 Jun 2016 09:16:10 +0200
Lorenzo Sutton <lorenzofsut...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 16/06/2016 02:13, Ted Felix wrote:
> > On 06/15/2016 06:51 PM, Abrolag wrote:  
> >> On the next startup, if I start Yoshimi first, Rosegarden connects and 
> >> resets
> >> most of the controls to (now) wrong values. Changing bank root was a 
> >> particular
> >> problem (now pretty much resolved) because it then meant Yoshimi was 
> >> pointing to
> >> completely the wrong patches.  
> >
> >    Rosegarden provides support for (and works best with) device files.
> > These contain lists of banks and programs and allow Rosegarden to
> > control synths.  Without a proper device file for Yoshimi, Rosegarden
> > will make a mess of things, sending whatever bank select and program
> > changes are in whatever device file you are using.  This is what is
> > causing trouble.
> >
> >    You need a Yoshimi.rgd device file.  I've started working on one
> > based on the banks/programs that were installed for me with Yoshimi.  So
> > far, I have the Arpeggios, Bass, Brass, and Drums banks entered.  With
> > this, RG and Yoshimi get along just fine for me.
> >  

Hmmm, now you mention it I dimly remember something about this from about 10
years ago! :o

> I think one could automatize that a with a (python) script. If I recall 
> correctly rgd is XML (any 'specification somewhere?), can't remember how 
> default yoshimi banks/programs are stored (files IIRC?)... I could have 
> a try at it if other considered it useful (I did use lxml quite a lot in 
> the past so I'm quite ok with working on XML...) :)
> Lorenzo.

The default installed set are in /usr{/local}/share/yoshimi/banks and are normal
directories of banks with instrument files in them. All the instrument files
have a 4 digit number prefix.

Now I must go, I'm supposed to be several miles away in an hours time!


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