However dreadful your playing is, mine is probably worse. But the notation
quantizer/Fix notation function does most of what I want. I can reset
velocity across the board too. If I could just wholesale erase all of the
tenutos/staccatos, that would probably do the trick.

Thanks for your help.

PS You're right. I would have expected magic from the grid quantize. what
is it doing if it's not doing this?

On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 3:36 PM, D. Michael McIntyre <> wrote:

> On 12/29/2016 02:38 PM, Ray Klassen wrote:
> > with just notes as if I had entered them with the mouse. -- no staccatos
> > tenutos or variations in velocity. and all starting and ending precisely
> > as scored. Is this possible?
> I've found there is no magic fix it button.  In principle the grid
> quantizer should be your friend here.  Un-check [ ] Add articulations to
> make that stuff go away, dial up the most likely parameters, and try
> your luck.  In practice, the notation quantizer often does a better job.
>   You can use Adjust -> Quantize -> Fix notation quantization to make
> the durations you see on the page permanent.
> I can't find an option to turn off tenutos and such while recording.
> You can select all and use the trash can icon in the top right corner to
> throw all those marks away.
> All in all though, I've always found this to be a fiddly process.  You
> try something, and it works well for most of a passage, but there is one
> troublesome section where your playing was too far off.  Try a different
> quantizer, different options, or just draw a bit of notation by hand.
> The better you play, the better this works.  It has the most trouble
> with slurs and grace notes, which tend to come out as a mangled tangle
> of unintended chords.  In my own personal projects, I probably never get
> more than 2/3 of the notation cleaned up using automatic tools.  My
> playing is pretty dreadful.
> --
> D. Michael McIntyre
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