On 10/12/2023 15:29, Yves Guillemot wrote:

Sonntag, 10. Dezember 2023 um 13:35 Uhr Von: "Lorenzo Sutton"
<lorenzofsut...@gmail.com> An: rosegarden-user@lists.sourceforge.net

This is a tricky one IMHO because on the other hand when working on
project I also want to be able to always save and not risk losing any
change which comes up.

So any warning like that should definitely be a switchable on/off

Le Sun, 10 Dec 2023 13:42:16 +0100,
MST via Rosegarden-user <rosegarden-user@lists.sourceforge.net> a écrit

How about an incremenial numbering feature while working:
You open an existing file "song" and it immediately becomes
"song000", ten minutes (adjustable in default settings menu) later it
becomes "song001". I am no coder, is something doable?

Yes it's doable and should be easy to do, but what about the autosave
feature ? How many files would be created at the end of a session ?

I presume it should be better to allways save in a temporary file
then ask where to save this file when shutting down RG or opening a new

Anyway it should be a switchable option because IMHO such warnings are
awful and don't really work: when I have answered "yes" several dozens
of times to the same question, the next time it will be asked I will not
read it and automatically answer "yes" whatever the right answer should

This more-or-less UNTESTED bash script would launch rosegarden with a selected file, make a back-up copy straight a way and then watch for changes (in this case every 5 seconds, maybe a bit extreem... but could be easily changed), and if a change (based on md5) detected save another back-up copy. Not sure how this could be 'embedded' in rosegarden and how cases like 'do not overwrite existing backups (or do)' be handled...



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