On Jul 18, 2007, at 8:48 AM, Thomas Lotterer wrote:

Looked at "rpm -v --showrc" and like it.
Blew "--version" out of my mind. Thanks for the hint.

The --showrc output spew needs to be polished.

In particular, there are so many bleeping macros around now that they need
to be displayed per-file-from-whence-they-come, not just
dumping the global context.

The ":" vs "=" marker that shows whether a macro was actually
expanded, rather than defined, needs to be exposed so that
a tool to gather just the macros used during a build can be written.

The silly integer I used to debug complicated inhierited macro
definitions from files needs to be ripped entirely. The recursion
level where a macro was defined is nowhere near as useful
as the path to the file where it was defined.

There is no current means to display the "." readonly attribute
for macros either.

There is additional information such as what lua modules
and functions are present available, and from /usr/lib/rpm/5.0/*.init,
that needs to be displayed.

All the crufty rpmrc build/install canonical/compatible goop
needs to be flattened, the new means to set CPU-VENDOR-OS-GNU
using --target and/or /etc/rpm/platform (and %{_etcrpm}/* if that
is made run-time discoverable, which I am against, but ...).

The --querytags needs to be integrated, with an additional "long
description" for tag semantic usage needs to be attached from
an external file in YAML (my preference) or XML.

That's just for --showrc ;-)

73 de Jeff

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Developer Communication List                        rpm-devel@rpm5.org

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