On May 21, 2011, at 9:03 PM, Robert Xu wrote:

> On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 20:57, Jeff Johnson <n3...@mac.com> wrote:
>> If you post a link to which patch, I can tell you exactly what is going on
>> and what needs to be done. Otherwise its just guessing.
> https://github.com/devzero2000/RPM/commit/1607c344022f5b65064f0ea1956b1742799b8c62

Bingo. This is the patch I was remembering. I've just ripped
out strlocale() almost everywhere because iconv(3) is the
modern (for like 5 years now) way to do the same thing.

There was a time that strlocale() was useful, but not any more.

>> In general, most of the SuSE patches are quite old, and neither rpm5.org nor
>> rpm.org can accommodate the remaining patches from SuSE, they are just too 
>> different.
> Figured as much from looking at the variety of patches they have.
>> All patches that could be integrated were integrated in Fall 2008, both 
>> tines of the fork.
> Ah, OK. That would mean that most of the patches have not changed since then.

Yes. I'd start with rpm-5.2.1 which is mostly "drop-in" compatible,
and look at what needs doing to fix some specific issue. There
will be minor compatibility issues, but there should _NOT_ be any major issues.

73 de Jeff

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