Jeff, et. al. -

I'm replacing my current x86_64-pc-solaris2.10 (traditional Solaris 10
from before Oracle bought Sun, 10u6 to be exact) build box with a new
x86_64-pc-solaris2.11, which is actually OpenIndiana 151a8.

The RPM 5.1.9 I've been using for packaging and installing local software
on the Solaris 10 box continues to work just fine on the new OI box, but
I'm planning on taking a run at current rpm (5.4.12?).  Because I'm a
glutton for punishment, I'll also be using the no-cost Oracle Studio 12.3
compiler toolchain.  ;-)

I plan on submitting build patches, but where would you like them
submitted?  Here?  launchpad?

As you well know, I'm a sysadmin that happens to be able to muddle around
in C, not a developer, so I expect that any patches will need feedback
and probably multiple revisions before they might be palatable to
upstream.  Some will likely never be acceptable for inclusion, but I'll
submit them and let you sort them out.

Be expecting to see some patches in the coming days.

Tim Mooney                                   
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure                  701-231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, IACC Building                             701-231-8541 (Fax)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164
RPM Package Manager                          
Developer Communication List              

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