On Aug 29, 2013, at 2:31 PM, Tim Mooney wrote:

> Jeff, et. al. -
> I'm replacing my current x86_64-pc-solaris2.10 (traditional Solaris 10
> from before Oracle bought Sun, 10u6 to be exact) build box with a new
> x86_64-pc-solaris2.11, which is actually OpenIndiana 151a8.


> The RPM 5.1.9 I've been using for packaging and installing local software
> on the Solaris 10 box continues to work just fine on the new OI box, but
> I'm planning on taking a run at current rpm (5.4.12?).  Because I'm a
> glutton for punishment, I'll also be using the no-cost Oracle Studio 12.3
> compiler toolchain.  ;-)

The chief problem upgrading from 5.1.9 -> 5.3 is converting the database.

Meanwhile the only real conceptual problem is that the header instances used
as join keys are now always in network order, and perisitently unique (using
/var/lib/rpm/Seqid, the persistence is a bit tricky).

You can avoid the upgrade issues by installing instead of upgrading. Meanwhile
dbconvert.c or a rather simple shell script can do the upgrade. You can also
try using %posttrans, but I cannot solve any problem (there are none so far)
changing a database schema on a live/open database automagically.

> I plan on submitting build patches, but where would you like them
> submitted?  Here?  launchpad?

Wither as you wish. launchapad.net/rpm will work better for issues in
need of discussion or support because more narrowly targeted and specific.

> As you well know, I'm a sysadmin that happens to be able to muddle around
> in C, not a developer, so I expect that any patches will need feedback
> and probably multiple revisions before they might be palatable to
> upstream.  Some will likely never be acceptable for inclusion, but I'll
> submit them and let you sort them out.

Pshaw: I've seen many sysadmin patches, yours are considerably more thoughtful 

> Be expecting to see some patches in the coming days.


73 de Jeff
> Tim
> -- 
> Tim Mooney                                             tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
> Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure                  701-231-1076 (Voice)
> Room 242-J6, IACC Building                             701-231-8541 (Fax)
> North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164
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> RPM Package Manager                                    http://rpm5.org
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