I agree with @ffesti about key revokation being more complex than what it seems 
like. When you revoke, you don't want to invalidate the signatures created 
_before_ the revokation. That would require every existing package to be 
re-signed with the new key, which would be very disruptive.

But how can you trust the signature date? An attacker could create a new 
signature with a forged date. Therefore you need to add support for trusted 
third-party timestamping to the signatures. Unless I am mistaken, there is no 
such support in GPG:

The problem is not specific to RPM and package signatures. Git signatures, for 
example, also have the same issue:

Short term, the simplest way to deal with a compromised key, is to remove it 
from the RPM DB, just as @ffesti suggested. There should be a tested and 
planned process for how to do this, for example by sending an emergency update, 
perhaps signed with the disaster recovery key (in Red Hat case). It would also 
require all packages are re-signed with a new key, since the old ones will be 
invalidated after the key removal.

Long term, adding support for trusted timestamps would make key revokation much 

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