Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:

Maybe putting everything aside and starting fresh might help; e.g. discuss what we want: name(s), target audience, gnome vs. kde (we should do both), free and nonfree, Live-Spin vs. regular install media, ...; that might help to get things rolling again (but maybe I'm wrong with that). Sure that is slower, but it might lead to what we all want ;-)
You keep repeating the same thing over and over again and I am getting really tired of explaining this to you. Just drop it and move on. If you want to insist on a new name, go ahead and be my guest. If you find consensus, let me know. I am building on a desktop kickstart based live cd and that's all I have time for. If others want to build a KDE based live cd, sure, feel free to participate. I did inform Rex Dieter and others in the KDE SIG this.

I brought that topic up a few days already in a mail. Until that is solved: If you want to get something decided by the steering committee then ask it and I'm sure you'll get an answer.

But right now there isn't much to decide afaik, as omega includes packages that are not part of Fedora and RPM Fusion. That IMHO makes it just as unacceptable for RPM Fusion as an official Fedora spin with a RPM Fusion package in it.
You already brought this up before and I repeat, there is nothing outside of Fedora and RPM Fusion packages in Omega.

As long as decisions don't get done, I would have to continue hosting it outside this project.

That's for me sounds a lot like "my packages were not reviewed; there wasn't even a real reviewer, just a few random comment; so instead of trying harder or getting exchange reviews organized I start my own repo instead of participating to Fedora or RPM Fusion".
Nothing close to it. I wanted to host Omega in RPM Fusion mirrors. I asked on list a few times and no decision was ever made. The option was to drop all my work on the floor or host it elsewhere. I am hosting it elsewhere till people here decide on something since I did not want my work to be wasted. I will ask again, are you or the steering committee or whoever it is that is making the decision now willing to host Omega?


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