Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:

We nevertheless IMHO once again should ask in public (blog and spins-list maybe?) if somebody want to do a KDE spin with RPM Fusion before we do one with Gnome -- then we can point users that complain "why don't you hvae a KDE spin" there and tell them "nobody volunteered".
Read my release notes. It already answers this question.
But again: We don't allow packages that haven't been reviewed. Why should we allow spins that haven't been reviewed?
There is no question of allowing anything. The remix already exists and people are using it. The only decision is to let the project use the rpmfusion volunteer mirrors or not. You still want to allow a staging repository for packages ( or Koji personal repos in Fedora land) because sometimes things have to happen first before others can participate. Again, anyone is welcome to participate. In the absence of participation, I still intend to continue to get things done.
I'd say so, because the reasons for not including libdvdcss in a spin are the same as for not including them in the repo.
I want the remix to be basically usable for me as it is and without libdvdcss, the benefit is much less and I bet everybody here is using it anyway but if there is interest in such a project, somebody else has to step up and do it. Omega can still use the Livna mirrors I guess.


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