Gary Strangman wrote:
>>> (Intercept) 10.9205792  2.9934159  3.6481997 0.001341692
>>> prerbmt      0.4226101  0.1729016  2.4442236 0.022599474
>>> mri         -0.3495370  0.7497424 -0.4662095 0.645450898
>>> ... and if I want the estimate for the 2nd coefficient ...
>>>>>> print summary[3][1]
>>> 0.4226101
>> You could index by name as well:
> Am I missing something? I do not see any examples of indexing RVectors 
> by name on the page above.

The doc does not currently have an example with that feature 
demonstrated, but the take-home message is that "just like in R" 
indexing  is possible with 'my_vector.r[]' (and that covers indexing by 

>>> (nice doc, by the way!) appear to be oriented towards simply 
>>> displaying the results of R computations rather than retrieving R 
>>> results for further processing in python.
>> There will be more then.
>> Thanks for the feedback.
> Excellent. Thanks!

It can only get better with feedback. Thanks.


> Gary

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