On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 2:14 PM, Alan G Isaac <alan.is...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11/27/2013 3:43 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
>> This is_embedding_  as RPy2 embeds R from an outer Python application (just
>> like my RInside project does for C++).
> I don't think introducing a new, undefined term helps clarify things.
> For a good discussion see
> http://www.law.washington.edu/lta/swp/law/derivative.html
> Or if your approach has been usefully discussed, I'd appreciate
> a pointer to it.  But I would think that any useful definition
> of "embed" would  become somethink like "statically links to".

There's no meaningful legal distinction between static and dynamic
linking. And pretty much everyone agrees that if you do either, for
any library with a unique interface (and R's C interface, for better
or worse, is VERY unique ;-)), then your code can only be distributed
under GPL-compatible terms. I don't know what Dirk meant by embedding,
but I can't see how it would matter anyway; the conclusion is the same
either way.

rpy2 can legally be re-licensed under any GPL-compatible terms,
including BSD. (At least, it can if everyone who's ever contributed
any copyrightable code agrees to make the change. I'm not sure if I
still have any code in rpy2, but FWIW I'm happy to relicense my
contributions under GPLv2+ or any BSD variant.)

Any code using rpy2 will have to be distributed under GPL-compatible
terms regardless.

The only times rpy2's license may make a difference is (1) if rpy2
stays with the AGPL and thus imposes the extra Affero restriction, or
(2) if rpy2 goes BSD then it may allow more direct code-sharing
between rpy2 and other projects like IPython (as mentioned). These are
the the only things open for discussion AFAICT.


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