On 11/29/2013 06:53 PM, Alan G Isaac wrote:
> On 11/29/2013 5:41 PM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
>> you seem to be flailing around, hoping that maybe
>> there will be some loophole that means the law will work out to be the
>> way you want?
> Absolutely not.  For one thing, I do not "want" one outcome
> or another.  I just want the project to flourish.  Also, I moved
> this into a separate thread with the idea that it should not be
> seen as an attempt to influence the license outcome, but rather
> to learn what is or is not *required*. (As opposed to what should
> or should not be chosen by the project.)
>> In my fairly well informed layman's opinion, rpy2 is unambiguously a
>> derivative work of R, and thus subject to the GPL's restrictions
> Since you suggested using the AFC criteria as the test, if you are willing,
> I would appreciate knowing what is being expressed in RPy that should be
> considered to be copied from R? On the one hand, I'm getting the feeling that 
> you might
> say its the API, but of course the EFF has forcefully argued that APIs
> should not be copyrightable.  And I would be truly surprised to find you
> siding with Oracle against Google on something like this.  On the other hand,
> I suspect that you will say I have completely missed the point, and that this
> analogy is entirely irrelevant.
> Again, this is largely academic, since it seems that there is sentiment
> to keep RPy GPL'd.  If you are willing to help me understand, however,
> I'll appreciate it.

My understanding is that in our specific situation the GPL might be the 
best option for a single license as it:
- appears to have been appropriate in other similar situations (note: 
rpy2 is exposing R to Python through R and Python's respective C APIs)
- addresses the current use-cases for rpy2. If a commercial application 
is using a modified (presumably improved) rpy2 it will have to 
distribute the source for it along with the application. Note that the 
recipient of the said source does not have to pass it along.

The second point in particular seems like an acceptable outcome for 
everyone. Without a clear list of what a BSD-like license would bring 
the amount of uncertainty it would bring appears unjustified (R's own 
licensing is reportedly unclear - 
- but the advice seem to be to go with GPL). Also, a notable difference 
with the examples given so far is that rpy2 is a bridge from Python to 
R. For example, where an Adobe plugin for Mozilla's Firefox has arguably 
a standalone component (such as the Flash runtime engine) rpy2 won't be 
doing much without R. rpy2's unique input is a layer that exposes a 
C-level API designed to embed R into applications, and does it as if it 
was a regular library (a stateful library that is). The closest 
well-known example I can think of in the Python world is the the 
readline module. On OS X (or commercial distributions of Python), the 
options are:
- default system's Python (limited functionalities by linking to a 
library with a compatible license)
- install the out-of-standard distribution readline module 
(https://pypi.python.org/pypi/readline - released under the GPL)
- recompile Python after having installed the GNU readline library.
The second option suggests strongly that rpy2 should be released under a 
license compatible with R's own license. The Python people would have 
probably worked it out otherwise. It also suggests that rpy2 can be used 
by a variety of projects: ipython, cited as an example of software that 
moved to a more permissive license, does rely on a fully functioning 
readline library.

If this was not enough, I want to keep the option to patch R for rpy2 open

An alternative could be to license the rpy2.rinterface layer as GPL, and 
allow a more permissive license for rpy2.robjects (while also providing 
a way interface with R in different processes). This appears to me like 
an unnecessary burden, but I may revisit this I am shown concrete 
manifestations of interest (that is contributed code).

Regarding contributions from industries, the BSD vs GPL argument is an 
interesting one, yet possibly a controversial one. I think that it can 
only be defended when an industry's product is software, although not 
even in all cases. There is a number of industries, particularly in the 
data analysis space, that do not have software as an end product. 
Software is then a mean to an end, which some companies might even 
provide as OSS.

References given as examples early in this thread as demonstration that 
BSD-licensing would be preferable might reflect an older view of the 
world. Things have moved since FUD campaigns about the "viral GPL", or 
the SCO vs Novell episode. I found the following reference to be rather 
interesting, and correspond to my sentiment that OSS has entered a new 
phase: http://timreview.ca/article/650 .
Freeriders will always be around, no matter the license, but the 
position of the developer might have changed: using GPL-like licenses, 
and contributing to it, is no longer an ideological stand but a natural 
"best thing to do" in a number of situations. While I am perfectly fine 
with permissive licenses, I also think that GPL-like licenses contribute 
to a good global situation regarding choice and availability of 
software. Without it, and with only permissive BSD-like licenses, I 
doubt that we would have reached the situation we are in today.

I followed closely the thread and appreciated all input. It made me read 
again about licensing, and I feel that I end up slightly more educated 
about the whole.

Yet, I am not convinced that a BSD-type license is appropriate here. The 
liberal licensing types can easily use the project in isolation, either 
with a module calling rpy2 (and that does not qualify as a derivative of 
rpy2 or R, so they can check whether the point is valid or not with 
their own software ;-) ), or as running in a separate process (the 
documentation for rpy2 will likely showcase more of this in the future).

To wrap it up, I am understanding that the following GPL licenses are 
possible and people would generally be happy with them:
- GPLv2 (that is s R's license)
- GPLv2+ (as it was suggested that it would ensure compatibility with 
GPLv3 - I also read the GPLv2-v3 compatibility landscape seems rather... 



> Alan
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