On Tuesday 06 March 2001 22:44, Dave Plonka wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 04:22:01PM -0500, Paul C. Williamson wrote:
> > I am trying to run mrtg/rrd from box 2, but the configs and data live on
> > box 1. When I try to run 'box2/mrtg box1/mrtg.cfg', mrtg comes back to
> > tell me that rrdtool could not update blah.rrd with the data it retrieved
> > because it could not lock the rrd.  RRDTool also lives on box 2.  I have
> > full rights to thisv olume, and can create all kinds of files on this
> > volume.  What am I missing that's preventing me from locking the blah.rrd
> > database?
> Paul,
> While you didn't say that you're using NFS, it sounds as though you are
> and that your ability to lock files across NFS is broken.  Check the
> health of your rpc.lockd and rpc.statd processes - they are responsible
> for maintaining file locks on NFS file systems.
> Here's some pertinent posts from a similar discussion we had some time
> ago in the FlowScan mailing list:
>    http://net.doit.wisc.edu/~plonka/list/flowscan/archive/0265.html
>    http://net.doit.wisc.edu/~plonka/list/flowscan/archive/0266.html
> Dave

Whilst probably not relevant to this precise situation, I have the same 
problem when accidently trying to write to rrds on a dos partition (fat32)
mounted under freebsd

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