Dear Alex,

Basicaly the Server A is the nfs server with all the files on it. Server B is
doing the whole rrd processing. Nothing is done on Server A. I cannot do the
nfs the other way around, cause the data on server A is very big and there is
no possibility to store this on server B :-(.

Hope you can give me some advise.

cu ycae

Alex van den Bogaerdt wrote:

> Yves Caetano wrote:
> > i have a small problem with the rrdtool.....or may be a bigger problem.
> > when trying to update the rrd file, i get an error message "Could not
> > lock RRD". I read some messages in the mailinglist that there are
> > problems running the rrdtool over nfs.
> Indeed there are.  The problem is that locking over nfs cannot be
> done in a reliable way.
> > The rrd files are on a file server, and a processing server is connected
> > to this file server through nfs to get the rrd files to process.
> Let's give the two servers a name: A and B.
> What I think you said is:
> - on server A you have your RRD files
> - on server A you run "rrdtool update"
> - server B has mounted some of the disk of server A
> - on server B you run "rrdtool graph" and receive an error
> What probably works for you is to nfs mount the other way around; let
> server A access server B.  Then you can start "rrdtool graph" on server
> A and still write the images directly to server B
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Yves Caetano                 Ubizen
Security Analyst             We Secure e-Business
Phone   +352 26 31 58 60
Fax     +352 26 31 58 69

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