Hello all,

Based on some discussions (on the list or privately), I revised my critique
on GLI-Split. Warmly welcome for any critiques and revisions.

Best wishes,
Critique of GLI-Split, by Sun Letong
GLI-Split makes a clear distinction between two separation planes: the 
separation between identifier and locator, which is to meet end-users needs 
including mobility; the separation between local and global locator, to make 
the global routing table scalable. The distinction is needed since ISPs and 
hosts have different requirements, also make the changes inside and outside 
GLI-domains invisible to their opposites. 
A main drawback of GLI-Split is that it puts much burden on hosts. Before 
routing a packet received from upper layers, network stacks in hosts firstly 
need resolve the DNS name to an IP address; if the IP address is GLI-formed, it 
may look up the map from the identifier extracted from the IP address to the 
local locator. If the communication is between different GLI-domains, hosts may 
further look up the map from the identifier to the global locator¡ª the local 
mapping system forwarding requests to the global mapping system for hosts is 
just an option. Though host lookup may ease the burden of intermediate nodes 
which would otherwise to perform the mapping lookup, the three lookups by hosts 
in the worst case may lead to large delays unless a very efficient mapping 
mechanism is devised. The work may also become unpractical for low-powered 
hosts. On one hand, GLI-split can provide backward compatibility where classic 
and upgraded IPv6 hosts can communicate, which is its big virtue; while the 
upgrades may be costly to against hosts¡¯ enthusiasm to change, compared to the 
benefits they would gain.
GLI-split provides additional features to improve TE and to improve resilience, 
e.g., exerting multipath routing. However the cost is that more burdens are 
placed on hosts, e.g. they may need more lookup actions and route selections. 
However, the kind of tradeoffs between costs and gains exists in most proposals.
I think one improvement of GLI-Split on its support for mobility is to update 
DNS data as GLI-hosts move across GLI-domains. Through this 
GLI-corresponding-node can query DNS to get valid global locator of the 
GLI-mobile-node and need not to query the global mapping system (unless it 
wants to do multipath routing), giving more incentives for nodes to become 
GLI-kind. The merit of GLI-Split, simplified-mobility-handover provision, well 
supports this improvement. 

GLI-Split claims to use rewriting instead of tunneling for conversions between 
local and global locators, when packets span GLI-domains. The major advantage 
is that this kind of rewriting needs no extra states to maintain, since local 
and global locators need not to map to each other. Many other rewriting 
mechanisms instead need to maintain extra states. It also avoids the MTU 
problem faced by the tunneling methods. However, GLI-Split achieves this only 
by compressing the namespace size of each attribute (identifier, local and 
global locator). GLI-Split codes two terms (identifier and local/global 
locator) into an IPv6 address, each has space size of 2^64 or less, while 
map-and-encaps proposals assume that identifier and locator each occupies 128 
bits space, in the IPv6 scene.
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