Noel Chiappa allegedly wrote on 01/24/2010 14:47 EST:
> LISP is really intended to achieve one chief goal: to split up location and
> identity, and do so in a way that is economically and deployably practical.

(Insert repeat of arguments about "identity", and how LISP separates
global from local routing, here.)

> Yes, doing that does improve things over in the routing sphere, because now
> things that people were trying to do with routing (improperly, due to
> hammer-nail syndrome) can be done with a better tool.

Right.  The problem is that endpoints and agents have been mixing
identification and separation, and routing was trying to take up the

> However, LISP is still not a new routing architecture - which I claim we will
> still need, when all the dust settles. And _none_ of the proposals here (well,
> the Compact Routing stuff comes closest) is a new routing architecture....

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