If someone wants to add text on Identifier / Locator separation as a useful architectural principle, I guess I can't object. Although we have not actually done a very good job of articulating why it matters in conjunction with things like Multipath TCP. (I think it does still matter. My point is that we do not have a good description of why.)

The question of IPv4 support is an example of something the RG has not converged on.

And I consider the CEE / CES debate to be missing the point.
Firstly, many of the solutions and not purely one or the other. As Noel has observed, one can migrate LISP (ostensibly a CES solution) into the host. Architecturally, and in terms of the end state, I think that CEE is a much better target. In terms of deployability and related issues, CES techniques tend to have a big advantage. Hence, I have a personal preference for solutions which straddle this boundary, rather than seeing utility in arguing about which one we want.
And I don't the the RG has a clear agreement on this at all.


Noel Chiappa wrote:
    > From: "Joel M. Halpern" <j...@joelhalpern.com>

    > I can not foresee any process which would come to an actual agreement
    > on a recommendation from the RRG, and therefore conclude that the
    > survey is probably the most effective outcome we can achieve as a
    > community.

While I agree there's probably not agreement of a specific technical
proposal, what about architectural direction(s)? E.g. I thought we did have
rough consensus on the need for the separation of location and identity?

True, the workshop a couple of years back (Amsterdam?) I think already
recommended this, so we're not breaking a lot of new ground there; still, it
would be useful to re-affirm that conclusion, in a larger group.

And how about IPv4 support? Is a solution which doesn't support IPv4 judged to
be plausible? Do most people agree with that one?

Also, can we say anything about CEE/CES? I think a lot of people think that
CES is sort of necessary for the short term, because any solution will never
really get deployed otherwise. At the same time, there appear to be reasons
that a solution has to be able to migrate in the CEE direction in the long
term. I don't know how many agree with these, but it might be worth exploring

Any others?


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