On 9/2/07, Andrew WC Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think that makes sense.
> Which do you recommend? Flexmock or Mocha?

I wouldn't recommend either of them by themselves, at least the
current way they sit.

Jim Weirich may be adding globally ordered strict mocks, which if he
does then I think Flexmock will be the first mocking library in ruby
to cover all mocking needs (as far as I know).

Mocha (and RSpec mocks too) don't support globally strict ordered
mocks. Hardmock is another mocking library which is just strict
mocking (no stubs, no partial mocks). Right now I prefer Mocha +
Hardmock, but I'm eagerly awaiting to see if Flexmock gets globally
strict ordered mocks.

Zach Dennis
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