On 9/2/07, Wilson Bilkovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/1/07, rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On 1 Sep 2007, at 10:04, Tom Stuart wrote:
> >
> > > On 1 Sep 2007, at 09:31, rupert wrote:
> > >>>  Are we planning on dumping the mock framework in favor of using
> > >>> Mocha
> > >> The idea has been bandied around on the dev list recently
> This decision, if it is made in this manner, is suicide for RSpec.
> I have been a huge RSpec booster, but this will make me drop it like a hot 
> coal.
> =(
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Eh! The first reactions :-) However I also have to admit and wonder
why rspec dev didn't make this kind of decisions before version 1.0. I
hate (as a nuby) that now I have to make decision (mocka or flexmock)
at the time where I'm not even a big mock fan yet (now it's even more
harder to sell the idea to co-workers as well).

For the very first look, I prefer mocka syntax more than flexmock.

However I like rspec's clean it 'should' specs (and generating doc
from it) so much more compared to test::unit way is.

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