Pat Maddox wrote:

Can you paste your code please?  Here's an example I just whipped up
that seems to work fine...I'm using a stub defined inline, a stub
defined in two steps, and a partially stubbed object.  They all shadow
the outer stub.  What does your code look like?


It looks like I was lead somewhat astray. It wasn't the stubbing, it's actually something wrong with the fixture loading. The other fixtures that load with it seem to be okay, but the ones I need are just returning empty arrays.

describe ReservationsController, "reservations/GET" do
  describe "all reservations/ GET", :shared => true do

    describe "with reservations" do
fixtures :customers, :users, :products, :reservation_statuses, :reservations, :reservation_items

      before(:each) do
res = [reservations(:single), reservations(:cancelled), reservations(:surprise)]

      it "should group the reservations by date for the view assign" do
        rd = assigns[:reservation_dates]

        rd.should have(2).items

Instead of 'res' containing an array of three reservations, it's just an array of three empty arrays. I know the fixtures are good because I have used them in other specs. The 'reservations' collection is present, and it is aware of appropriate keys, but it just gives back empty arrays. Any thoughts on my new and improved problem?

I should also note that I'm running off of svn r3312 from around mid February. At this time I cannot update to trunk, so if it's a problem, and it has been fixed since that time, just let me know.

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