Pat Maddox wrote:
...big snip...

Well, a lot of stuff has happened since then :)  However, I'm not sure
what your problem is still so I can't tell you that it's been fixed
since then.  It sounds to me like you're saying reservations(:single)
returns a Reservation object in one test, but [] in this one.  Is that


Yes, that's exactly the case. Just empty arrays in this instance, but appropriate Reservation objects in other places. The other thing that gets me is that even the other fixtures at this time are correct. Like the customers, and users are both fine. It's just the reservations. I've also tried moving the fixtures loading up higher in the describe nesting, thinking that maybe it had something to do with being used in a 'shared' describe. That had no effect though. Am I tripping over some keyword magic maybe? I have no idea what magic that might be, I'm just thinking out loud.

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