I agree Vincent

Can people however please use this trail to help me with my original query.

I repeat the private method is declared on the test example group. This is
not inside implemenraton code.

On Feb 1, 2011 9:21 PM, "Wincent Colaiuta" <w...@wincent.com> wrote:

El 02/02/2011, a las 02:28, Julian Leviston escribió:

> Surely as the private methods of a class change, the testing code HAS to
That statement sets off all sorts of alarm bells for me.

In order for your specs to be non-brittle, they should be concerned with the
externally-visible behavior of the code and not with the internal
implementation details. For me, private methods fall under "internal
implementation details".

Being non-brittle and focussed on externally-visible behavior rather than
implementation is a valuable attribute for a spec suite to have, because it
allows us to refactor and improve the code with confidence that the behavior
remains unchanged, but without having to engage in duplicative and
error-prone updating of our specs to match the internal changes in

So, if you're feeling the need to spec private methods, its an indication
that you could be doing something better, because you're either:

- specifying internal implementation details (and if that's the case, why
are you specifying it?); or

- you've made something private that shouldn't really be that way (and in
that case, there are various refactorings you can use to restructure the
code in order to make it more amenable to testing)


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