Pardon if this posts twice, sent it to the rsync-admin first...

When doing a 'rsync -avz /tmp fdops3::marktg' I observe the following

Sending machine lists files as they are sent, but then towards the end, I
start getting

 unlink tmp/fred/spn1 : Not privileged

This occurs for every sub-directory in /tmp.  On the server (daemon)
machine, in the rsyncd.log file I get

 rsync to marktg from fdops2
 wrote 32 bytes  read 2439031 bytes  total size 13862565
 transfer interrupted (code 102) at main.c(432)

It appears that all the files were written over to the other machine fine,
however if I do the rsync again, it writes all of them over again.  Each
machine is configured as follows:
SCO Open Server 5.0.2d
SCO development system, compiler and libraries
rsync 2.4.6
SCO Open Server 5.0.6
SCO development system, compiler and libraries
rsync 2.4.6
log file = /var/adm/rsyncd.log
pid file = /var/run/
lock file = /tmp/rsync.lock

   path = /marktg
   uid = root
   gid = root
   read only = no
   list = yes

The two machines are physically isolated on their own network, so I'm not
worried about any securtiy issues from the above yet, just trying to get
this all working.

Any help is most appreciated!


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