On Fri, 1 Mar 2013 10:20:28 +0000
Ben Bradley <bbradle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone
> So I've got Rsyslog happily transmitting log messages over the network to 
> Logstash. I have disk assisted queueing on the rsyslog log "clients".
> Sometimes I don't think Logstash can keep up on the other end, it blocks 
> because it can't get data into ElasticSearch fast enough. I've not got 
> logstash using elasticsearch_http which bulks the messages into ElasticSearch 
> so we'll see how that goes.
> But this is for relatively low logging volume (15/sec to 40/sec).
> I probably need some sort of queueing system on the receiving end, in front 
> of Logstash. We will probably be increasing our log volume gradually to about 
> 5x the current level. Though I probably also need some queueing between 
> Logstash and ElasticSearch.
> I could ditch Logstash altogether and have Rsyslog pumping directly into 
> ElasticSearch with omelasticsearch. But I'm not sure about the reliability of 
> this (mention of ElasticSearch crashes) and how I need to structure the 
> schema to maintain compatibility with Kibana. Also Logstash's filtering and 
> pattern matching is (unfortunately) much easier to get working at this point 
> (though I have got Rsyslog doing this in testing).
> Or I could install Rsyslog in front of Logstash and use Rsyslog's queue 
> options (and zip compression).
> But what would be the best output module to use with Rsyslog to then send to 
> the local Logstash?
> Using omfwd to send via TCP to Logstash on the same machine seems a bit 
> wasteful so I looked at omuxsock but then I'm not sure Logstash can receive 
> through a socket.
> Or is this the point where I need some sort of proper queueing system. What 
> would be great is if there was something that could just receive the TCP 
> packets from Rsyslog and queue them up. Then Logstash just reads from the 
> queue when it can. Is that what systems like 0mq and AMQP do?
> Are there any queueing systems in particular that are best to use for 
> queueing messages from Rsyslog?
> Cheers, Ben

Ah... just noticed rsyslog-zmq3 and zeromq3 RPMs in the repo!
Do they do what I think?

Only CentOS 5 though. I guess it needs to be installed as an output module in 
order to send to a zeromq socket.

Cheers, Ben

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