On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 1:10 AM, David Lang <da...@lang.hm> wrote:

> On Mon, 10 Feb 2014, Micah Yoder wrote:
>  So is something like this possible? I am writing a template with a few
>> parts - a base directory name, the hostname of the originating server,
>> and then the log file name.  After defining the template, some
>> conditions for the different files.  I just want a different file based
>> on different conditions, without redefining the template.  So, something
>> like:
>> template(name="tpltest" type="list") {
>>    constant(value="/var/log/")
>>    property(name="hostname")
>>    constant(value="/")
>>    property(name="$.filename")
>> }
>>    if $programname == "micah" and $syslogfacility-text == 'local1' then {
>>        set $.filename = "loggerstuff"
>>        action(type="omfile" Template="tpltest" DirOwner="root"
>> DirGroup="root" FileOwner="root" FileGroup="root" DirCreateMode="0755"
>> FileCreateMode="0644")
>>    }
>>    if $programname == "puppet-agent" and $syslogfacility-text ==
>> 'local1' then {
>>        set $.filename = "puppet"
>>        action(type="omfile" Template="tpltest" DirOwner="root"
>> DirGroup="root" FileOwner="root" FileGroup="root" DirCreateMode="0755"
>> FileCreateMode="0644")
>>    }
>> It doesn't seem to be parsing in 7.4.4 which I have installed, but I
>> might be doing something wrong.  If it isn't possible in this version,
>> is it in 7.5.x or 8.1.x?
> This is exactly the type of thing that local variables were designed for.
> But just to check, try doing $! instead of $. the variable will show up as
> part of a JSON output of $! if you do this, but it will let you test if
> this is the problem
local vars are not in 7.4., but I think the actual problem is a different
one. In the config is:

    set $.filename = "loggerstuff"

but it must be

    set $.filename = "loggerstuff";

Note the semicolon at the end! It's a quirck, but we couldn't get away
without adding the need for it.

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