On Tue, 11 Feb 2014, Micah Yoder wrote:

On 2/11/14 1:16 AM, Rainer Gerhards wrote:
This is exactly the type of thing that local variables were designed for.
But just to check, try doing $! instead of $. the variable will show up as
part of a JSON output of $! if you do this, but it will let you test if
this is the problem

local vars are not in 7.4., but I think the actual problem is a different
one. In the config is:

    set $.filename = "loggerstuff"

but it must be

    set $.filename = "loggerstuff";

Note the semicolon at the end! It's a quirck, but we couldn't get away
without adding the need for it.

Yay got it....

In the template...

if whatever.... {
 set $!test = "whatever";
 action(omfile... Dynafile... etc)

Seems to work!  Thanks.

Local variables will be better than the $! JSON tree because I will
actually use JSON in this (a different part of the config) also.

Would it be recommended to use the latest 7.5 in production at this
point?  It will be stable "soon", correct?  Fortunately, we're not fully
relying on this setup yet, but we want to be ASAP.

I would say you should test the current 7.5, we don't expect any significant changes in it before 7.6 is released.

There are many times that I've ended up running a 'dev' version in production because it had a feature I needed now. Rsyslog does a good job of keeping even the dev versions reliable, it's just that the dev versions are where new features are introduces, and once in a while this causes a problem that isn't caught before the release.

Personally, I don't trust _any_ release (stable or otherwise) without testing it first, so the dev/prod distinction doesn't matter in that regard. There are projects that I won't touch any release until after it's been out a while because the developers routinely break things (and eventually fix them), but there are others where I have no worries about grabbing the latest git version and compiling it.

Rsyslog falls in the latter category.

All that said, the "official" answer is that it's never recommended to use a dev version in production :-p

David Lang
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