On 02/25/14 16:33, Rainer Gerhards wrote:
Hi folks,
as you probably know, we get a new documentation thanks to the rsyslog-doc
project. I don't want to add all files individually to rsyslog. Would the
following work for you
a) two tarballs are being provided, one with source, one with doc
b) a single tarball is provided, but it contains the doc tarball as whole
c) anything else?
*I* would prefer a), but not sure if that's a decent choice for other
folks. Feedback appreciated.
I lean more towards 'a'.
Given the two projects _can_ have different release frequencies, pulling
in only the tarball that has actualy changed seems more convenient.
Downstream releases wouldn't have to wait for the bundled release.
Ad shipping documentation with the product, matching the two shouldn't
be that hard if the docs are versioned. The bundling can be done in the
resulting binary package. Even if the docs aren't up to date with the
current rsyslog release, that's hardly something that upstream bundling
would solve.
I think one source package would suffice for both tarballs given that
bundling would hide rsyslog-doc release version anyway.
I don't have strong preference for either, just don't see significant
benefits of 'b'.
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