The problem is that there's not much that rsyslog can do.

It can't write to the files (they are owned by the old copy)

It can't write to the old copy (it's shutdown it's input as it's trying to stop cleanly)

It can't reliably write to stderr because most of the distro startup scripts capture this output and don't show it to the user (this is probably what's happening when you find that it's waiting for user input but doesn't show any prompt and you need to control-c to get out)

now, you say this is new behavior for you, so what changed?

are you using a different version, different storage? are these VMs?

David Lang

On Mon, 7 Jul 2014, Nick Syslog wrote:

Either way completely hanging service restart on the start and not emitting
exit signals to log files as well as the dodie message in place of the exit
message seems a bit more complex than just a simple hang...

Especially since this behavior was previously un observed and reproduced on
3 different identical hosts including one with a 'base' install.

On Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 4:11 PM, David Lang <> wrote:

On Thu, 3 Jul 2014, Nick Syslog wrote:

 I've upgraded my VMWare based hosts to 8.2.2 recently and have had some
weird phenomena that I can't seemingly explain from the previous

OS: RHEL 6.3
-Starting/stopping the service using "service rsyslog restart" hangs
a sleep is inserted between the stop/start execution in the init.

remember that the stop signal does not instantly kill rsyslog, it just
sends it a message asking it to shutdown gracefully, not corrupting
anything in the meantime. This means that rsylog works to flush the
messages it has in queues, close files cleanly, etc. There is a timeout in
the rsyslog config that tells it that if it hasn't finished after X
seconds, abandon the remaining queue messages and just close things.

If the start happens while rsyslog is still in the process of shutting
down, it finds that there is already a pidfile in place (meaning that the
process is either still running, or crashed) and it asks the user if it
should go ahead and start or not (because if it is already running, having
two copies manipulating the same files will cause "interesting" results)

David Lang

service appears to still start but the message "OK" is never released back
to the cli leaving the user to ctrl-c to exit.

-Messages for "exit signal 15" (normal shutdown messages) have disappeared
completely leaving only the 'start' messages in their place and in some
cases the message "DoDie Called." appears immediately prior to a start
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