In case you are still collecting .. some of my suggestions may already been stated so apology for duplicates; 1- group unprivileged users (so each member of that group can view the group tickets) 2- more reports built in, sla related,first response time/active ticket life (not stalled time etc), with business::hours module integrated.
3- performance:
i- archive (resolved tickets can be pushed into an archive db and search able from query builder) ii- Content searching (maybe have an objectId field in the attachment table and thus avoiding the need to join Transactions)
 iii- Fork searching from a replicated db if replication is used
4- REST is good but everybody else work with SOAP, so an integrated soap interface


Jesse Vincent wrote:
If, for the sake of argument, Best Practical were to rewrite RT, what would you want to see in the new product?

Think big.



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