To all on this worn-out subject,

I've been in this business for almost 40 years and I've heard complaints from geeks to freaks to dummies in huge, large, small, micro-small, and medium environments (there is no such thing as "normal", in ANY context) about their software not doing enough for them. No one ever seems to be completely happy with what they have. Wow! Big surprise! They have to put up with a little difficulty or work-around or inconvenience. Too bad, so sad. Life is tough and we all have to put up with inconveniences and things not working the way we want them to. All right already. This discussion has taken on the proportions of a religious philosophy and is getting boring. RT communication on tickets works well enough to get the job done either in self-service or web-based. We use both. If someone doesn't want to use web-based RT for their E_mail replies or correspondence, then they can use MSIE or FIREFOX or WHATEVER they want and just reference the ticket number. They can save any draft they want to and send it later. RT will accept the E_mail when it gets it and put it in the ticket history, job done. RT developers are not going to (I hope not, anyway) spend huge amounts of time creating a new type of browser/mail-interface when what they have does the job well enough now. Let's move on to FEATURES like project planning/management, etc. Sorry if my attitude has offended anyone but I read RT-User E_mails daily and when half of them are pounding a philosophical discussion into the ground (instead of sharing current technical problem-solving involving code, permissions, etc.), I grow weary. The question initially was for suggestions on technical features, not for a philosophical debate ad infinitum. Maybe I've lost some patience in my old age. ;-)


Robert Grasso wrote:
Comparing a internet browser to a word processor makes no sense. Perhaps
your users should be composing their replies in a text editor if they
are losing their form posting content so often.

sorry as I did not recognize the subject at first - please refer to my previous 
answer today (using subject : RT 4)

our support staffers don't lose their posts. They are afraid they can lose 
them, and this is enough for normal people to ask for
some form of protection. Now, if you say : "Comparing a internet browser to a word 
processor makes no sense" : should we say that we
should not have "normal" people (non-IT people) using RT ?

Now, up to what point are you right ? See Wikipedia technology for writing 
articles : it's beginning to be feature-rich ? so
enhanced editing seems to be possible even with a browser ? I guess that their "Show 
preview" is not so far from the feature I am
asking for RT.

Maybe we should have an official position from the RT developers : is RT 
definitely for geeks ? normal people keep out ? what is the
comunity opinion ?

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