Hi RT Users,

i'm just fighting with a scrip exec order. So far i remember, we can
fire up scrips from UI in a sort order (beginning from 3.6.0??)

No i have the problem that i need at create time 3 actions to be done.

There are no global Scrips defined, only on this queue.

>From the flow:

A new mail reaches this queue, then:

1. Set a CF (PM) to a default value (Value = ?)
2. Parse the incoming mail for a specific value and put this into CF
3. Send mail to AdminCC's with modified Subject line with the Content of

All this scrips are triggering OnCreate, but now funny things start, the
mail sent to the AdminCC's are fired before the other Scrips are

My Scrips look like this:

Scrip 1:

001_SetDefaultValueForPM (On Create User Defined with template Blank)

Custom Action Prep Code: return 1;
Custom Action Cleanup Code:

  my $CFName = 'PM';
  my $DefaultValue = 'PM?';
  my $RecTransaction = 1;

  my $QueueObj = $self->TicketObj->QueueObj;
  my $CFObj = RT::CustomField->new( $QueueObj->CurrentUser );
  $CFObj->LoadByNameAndQueue( Name => $CFName, Queue => $QueueObj->id );
  unless( $CFObj->id ) {
    $CFObj->LoadByNameAndQueue( Name => $CFName, Queue => 0 );
    unless( $CFObj->id ) {
      $RT::Logger->warning("custom field '$CFName' isn't global or
defined for queue '". $QueueObj->Name ."'");
      return undef;

  unless( $self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue( $CFObj->id ) ) {
    my( $st, $msg ) = $self->TicketObj->AddCustomFieldValue(
                                          Field => $CFObj->id,
                                          Value => $DefaultValue,
                                          RecordTransaction =>
$RecTransaction );
    unless( $st ) {
      $RT::Logger->warning( "Couldn't set $DefaultValue as value for CF
$CFName:". $msg );
      return undef;
  return 1;

Scrip 2:

002_ScanForPM (On Create Extract Custom Field Values with template

Template: ScanForPM
Content: PM|Body|#(PM\w+)#||q

Scrip 3:

999_InformAdminCC (On Create Notify AdminCcs with template

Template: CreateNewTicket


Subject: #{$Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('PM');}# {$Ticket->Subject}
RT-Attach-Message: yes


Each Scrip alone works well, but all together working but not like
expacted. Any Ideas? What's wrong with this?

Help needed ;-)



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